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DUP støtter ophavsretsdirektivet sammen med mere end 200 musikorganisationer

Vi opfordrer Europa-Parlamentet til at vedtage direktivet om ophavsret på det digitale indre marked.

Dette direktiv har længe været ønsket om at skabe velfungerende og lige konkurrencevilkår for alle aktører i den kreative sektor på det europæiske marked. Dette er en historisk mulighed. Vi har brug for et internet, der er retfærdigt og bæredygtigt for alle. 


1. ABK - Bulgarian Book Association
2. ADAGP - French Graphic and Visual Arts Collecting Society
3. ADEB - Belgian Publishers’ Association
4. ADNPA - Athens Daily Newspaper Publishers’ Association
5. AEC - European Association of the Higher Music Education Institutions
6. AGD - Allianz deutscher Designer
7. AG DOK - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dokumentarfilm
8. AIKAKAUSMEDIA - Finnish Periodical Publishers' Association
9. AIE - Italian Book Publishers’ Association
10. AIM - Association of Independent Music
11. AIPA - Slovenian Institute for the Promotion of the Rights of Authors, Performers and Producers of Audiovisual Work
12. AKKA/LAA - Latvian Authors’ Association
13. AKM - Austrian Collective Management Organization for Authors, Composers and Publishers
14. ALCS - British Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society
15. A.L.E.J. - Luxembourg Newspaper Publishers' Association
16. Alliance de la presse d’information générale - French Press Alliance
17. AMAEI- Portuguese Independent Musicians, Artists and Publishers Association
18. APEL - Portuguese Association of Publishers and Booksellers
19. API - Portuguese Publishers’ Association
20. ARI - Asociación de Revistas de Información
21. ARTISJUS - Hungarian Copyright Protection Association
22. ASOCIACIA VYDAVATATEL’OV - Slovak Press Publishers' Association
24. AUSTROMECHANA - Austrian Mechanical Rights Management
Organization for Authors, Composers and Publishers
25. BBK - Bundesverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler
26. BDZV - German Newspaper Publishers’ Association
27. BFFS - Bundesverband Schauspiel e.V.
28. BFS - German Film Editors Association
29. BIEM - Bureau international des sociétés gérant les droits d’enregistrement et de reproduction mécanique
30. Bildrecht - Austrian Artists’ Collecting Society
31. BILD-KUNST - German Visual Arts Collecting Society
32. Bildupphovsrätt - Swedish Visual Artists’ Copyright Management Society
33. BIMA - Belgian Independent Music Association
34. BONO - Norwegian Visual Artists’ Copyright Society
35. Bonus Copyright Access
36. Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels e.V. - German Association of Book Publishers and Booksellers
37. BUMA - Dutch Collecting Society for Music Works
38. BVC - Bundesverband Casting e.V.
39. BVK - Bundesverband Kinematografie
40. BVM - Bundesvereinigung Maskenbild
41. BVR - Bundesverband Regie
42. CEDC - European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity
43. CEPIC - Centre of the Picture Industry
44. CFC - French Centre for the Exploitation of Copyright
45. CIAGP - International Council of Creators of Graphic, Plastic and Photographic Arts
46. CIAM - International Council of Music Authors
47. CISAC - International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers
48. CC - Composers Club
49. CONEQTIA - Spanish Association of Professional Press and Multimedia Content
50. Copydan Writing - Danish Collecting Society in the Text Area
51. Copyswede - Swedish Collecting Association for Authors and Performing Artists
52. Unie vydavatelů - Czech Publishers’ Association
53. DACIN SARA - Romanian Association of Cinematographic Authors and Audiovisual Workers
54. DACS - Visual Artists’ Rights Management Organization
55. DAfF - Deutsche Akademie für Fernsehen e.V.
56. DAMA - Spanish Audiovisual Authors’ Copyright Society
57. DANSKE FORLAG - Danish Publishers’ Association
58. DANSKE MEDIER - Danish Media Association
59. DeAuteurs - Belgian Copyright Collection Company
60. DEFKOM - Deutsche Filmkomponistenunion
61. De Media Federatie - Dutch Federation of Publishing and Media Companies Organization
62. Den norske Forleggerforening - Norvegian Publishers’ Association
63. Deutsche Fachpresse - German Association of Business Media
64. Deutscher Künstlerbund
65. DILIA - Czech Theatre, Literary, Audiovisual Agency
66. DJ - Danish Union of Journalists
67. DJV - German Federation of Journalists
68. DKV - Deutscher Komponistenverband
69. DOV - Deutsche Orchestervereinigung
70. DPA – Deutsche Presse-Agentur
71. DTV - Deutscher Textdichter Verband
72. DUP - Danish Independent Record Companies
73. EANA - European Alliance of News Agencies
74. EAS - European Association for Music in Schools
75. EAU - Estonian Authors’ Society
76. ECSA - European Composer and Songwriter Alliance
77. EFJ - European Federation of Journalists
78. EIBF - European & International Booksellers Federation
79. EMC - European Music Council
80. EMMA - European Magazine Media Association
81. EMU - European Music School Union
82. ENPA - European Newspaper Publishers’ Association
83. EPA - European Pressphoto Agency
84. EPC - European Publishers’ Council
85. Eesti Kirjastuste Liit - Estonian Publishers’ Association
86. Eurocinema - Cinema and Television Producers’ Associations
87. European Choral Association - Europa Cantat
88. EVA - European Visual Artists
89. Evening Standard
90. EWC - European Writers’ Council
91. FAGPRESSEN - Norwegian Specialised Press Association
92. FAPE - Spanish Federation of Journalists’ Associations
93. FEDERACION DE GREMIOS DE EDITORES DE ESPAÑA - Spanish Federation of Publishers’ Guilds
94. FEP - Federation of European Publishers
95. FER - Romanian Publishing Sector Federation
96. FERA - Federation of European Film Directors
97. FIEG - Italian Federation of Newspaper and Periodical Publishers
98. FIL - Icelandic Association of Actors and Perfoming Artistists
99. Fjølrit - Faroese Copyright Society
100. FNPS - French Specialised Periodical Publishers' Federation
101. FONO - Norvegian Association of Independent Record Companies
102. FREELENS e.V. - Verband der Fotografinnen und Fotografen
103. FSE - Federation of Screenwriters in Europe
104. GAU - Belgian General Publishers’ Group
105. GBDA - Genossenschaft Deutscher Bühnenangehöriger
106. GEMA - The German Society for Musical Performance and Reproduction Rights
107. GESAC - European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers
108. GESTOR - Czech Union for the Protection of Authorship
109. Getty Images
110. GEWU - Belgian Educational and Scientific Publishers’ Group
111. GZS - Slovenian Chamber of Commerce
112. HAIL - Hungarian Association of Independent Labels
113. Hauptverband des Österreichischen Buchhandels - Austrian Association of Book Trade
114. HUEPP - Hellenic Union of Editors of Periodical Press
115. HUNGART - Hungarian Management Association for Artists, Industry and Photography
116. IAF - International Authors Forums
117. IAO - International Artist Organisation of Music
118. ICLA - Irish Copyright Licensing Agency
119. IFRRO - International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations
120. IMAGO - European Federation of Cinematographers
121. IMPALA - Independent Music Companies Association
122. IMRO - Irish Musical Rights Organisation
123. IMPF - Independent Music Publishers International Forum
124. INDIECO - Finnish Independent Record Producers’ Association
125. INDIESUISSE - Association of Swiss Independent Music Labels and Producers
126. Initiative Urheberrecht - German Group of Associations representing Authors and Performers
127. IO - Illustratoren Organisation e.V.
128. IVARO - Irish Visual Creators’ Copyright Management Organization
129. IWP - The Polish Chamber of Press Publishers
130. Journalistförbundet - Swedish Union of Journalists
131. KEA - International Policy Research Center Specialised in Culture and Creative Industry.
132. KODA - Danish Collecting Society for Music Work
133. Konfessionelle Presse - Association of Confessional Press
134. KOPIPOL - Polish Association of Copyright Collective Administration for Authors of Scientific and Technical Works
135. KOPIOSTO - Finnish Copyright Owners Society
136. KUVASTO - Finnish Copyright Society for Visual Artists
137. LA PRESSE.BE - Alliance of Belgian Information Media
138. La Saif - French Authors’ Copyright Management Organization
139. LATGA - Latvian Association of Copyright Administration
140. LITA - Slovakian Society of Authors
141. LITERAL MECHANA - Austrian Linguistic Works Collecting Society
142. LIVE DMA - European Network of Music Venues, Clubs and Festivals
143. LLA - Lithuanian Publishers’ Association
144. Magazines Ireland - Association of Irish magazine media brands
145. MediaMusic e.V. - Berufsverband Medienmusik
146. MKKE - Hungarian Books Publishers’ Association
147. MMA - Magazine media association
148. Myndstef - The Icelandic Visual Art Copyright Association
149. NLA - British Newspapers’ Copyright Management Organization
150. NMC - News Media Coalition
151. NME - News Media Europe
152. OFA - Serbian Authors and Photographers’ Copyright Management Organization
153. On the Move
154. OOAS - Czech associations of authors of works of art, architecture and visual components of audiovisual works
155. OSA - Copyright Protection Authority for Music Works
156. OSDEL - Greek Collecting Society for Literary Works
157. PA - Press Association
158. PEN-Zentrum Deutschland e.V.
159. PIK - Polish Chamber of Books
160. PLATFORMA - Czech Association of Independent Record Companies
161. PHOEBUS - Greek Photographers’ Collecting Society
162. PICTORIGHT - Dutch Authors’ Right Organization for Visual Creators
163. PMI - Italian Independent Music Producers
164. PPA - Professional Publishers Association
165. ProLitteris - Swiss Copyright Management Society for Literature and Visual Arts
166. Publishing Ireland - Irish Book Publishers’ Association
167. REMA - European Early Music Network
168. RUNDA - Regional Association of Independent Discographers
169. SAA - Society of Audiovisual Authors
170. SABAM - Belgian Association of Authors, Composers and Publishers
171. SACD - French Society of Dramatic Writers and Composers
172. SACEM - Luxembourg Collecting Society for Authors, Composers and Publishers
173. SAZOR - Slovenian Copyright and Publishing Organization for Reproduction Rights
174. SCAM - The French Society of Multimedia Authors
175. SCHWEIZER PRESSE - Swiss Media
176. SCKN - Union of Czech Booksellers and Publishers
177. SDRM - French Society for the Administration of Mechanical Reproduction Rights
178. SEPM - Syndicate of Magazine Press Publishers
179. SFP - Polish Filmmakers’ Association
180. SGAE - Spanish General Society of Authors and Publishers
181. SIAE - Italian Authors and Publishers’ Collecting Society
182. SNE - French National Syndicate of the Publishing Sector
183. SOFAM - Belgian Visual Arts Management Company
184. SOM - Swedish Association of Independent Music Producers
185. SPAUTORES - Portuguese Cooperative for the Copyright Management of Literary and Artistic Authors
186. SOZA - Slovakian Copyright Association for Music Works
187. SSA - Swiss Authors’ Society
188. STEF - Icelandic Collective Management Society for Music Creators and Publishers
189. STM - International Association of Academic and Professional Publishers
190. STIM - Swedish Musicians’ International Music Agency
191. STOMP - Dutch Independent Labels Platform
192. SUISA - Swiss Cooperative Society of Music Authors and Publishers
193. Suomen Journalistiliitto - Finnish Journalists’ Union
194. Suomen Kustannusyhdistys - Finnish Book Publishers’ Association
195. SVERIGES TIDSKRIFTER - Swedish Magazine Publishers’ Association
196. SVF - Swedish Book Publishers’ Association
197. The Independent
198. Thomson Reuters - Reuters News Agency
199. UCMR-ADA - Romanian Collective Rights Management Organization for Music Works
200. UDJ - Union Deutscher Jazzmusiker
201. UFI - Spanish Association of Independent Music Companies
202. UNI-MEI - Global Union in the Media, Entertainment and Arts
203. UPB - The Union of Publishers in Bulgaria
204. UPFI - The Union of Independent French Phonographic Producers
205. TEOSTO - Finnish Songwriters and Composers’ Collecting Society
206. TONO - Norwegian Collection Society for Music Works
207. VDD - Verband Deutscher Drehbuchautoren
208. VdHR - Verband der Hörspielregie
209. VdO - Vereinigung deutscher Opernchöre und Bühnentänzer
210. VDZ - German Association of Magazine Publishers
211. VEGAP - Spanish Visual Creators’ Copyright Management Organization
212. Verband Bildungsmedien
213. VG Media
214. VG Musikedition - German Music Collecting Society
215. VG WORT - German Collecting Society
216. VISDA - Danish Visual Rights Society
217. VÖZ - Austrian Newspaper Publishers' Association
218. VSK - Verband der Berufsgruppen Szenenbild und Kostümbild
219. VTMÖ - Austrian Association of Independent Recording Companies, Music Publishers and Music Producers
220. VUT - German Association of Independent Music Companies
221. WAN-IFRA - World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers
223. W&DW - Writers & Directors Worldwide
224. YHKC - Serbian Book Association
225. ZAIKS - Polish Society of Authors and Composers
226. ZAMP - Croatian Copyright Protection Service for Music Works
227. ZAPA - Polish Union of Audiovisual Authors and Producers
228. ZVKS - Slovak Association of Publishers and Booksellers

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